Sunday, December 14, 2008

Final reflection on blog and class

As for my reflection of the class and the work I have done, I loved the class. I enjoyed mainly the visual advocacy project because I’m a visual paper and also the Microsefs paper. I have learned so much and hope to continue learning. I’ve learned from my writing that I need to slow down and take my time looking over what I have written. Also when I write I sometimes make things to analytical and not so much emotional. I lack details in areas where they need them. I don’t put enough detail in places at which it needs to be while just jumping straight to the point. If I could revise anyone of my works it would have to be my entrepreneur paper. As professor Yerks has stated in many of the comment sections. My work is smart and thoughtful but it gets covered up by the mechanical errors and lack of attention to certain details. Entrepreneurship is the direction I wish to take in life and writing a paper is a way to show everyone else what I see and not that it’s just another piece of some boring ass business literature. I see business and entrepreneurship as a hallway of open doors and windows and all that’s required is just taking those eye-opening steps to get their. When I am done with this class I’m not sure what I will do with my blog. I think I will continue this one or add on to another one. I personally have not used any open blog website before but I found that I like designing it and posting my thoughts for others to see, and for my self to reflect on. I want to thank professor Yerks for a great year and a wonderful semester. I love writing and new technology, so what better way to get my fulfillment that to combine both of them in a class.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I stumbled upon this today, and Brandon you've come a long way. I remember when you wanted to be a pastry chef!! Text me sometime, you'll know who it is if and when we talk.